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The Evolution Of The Creator
As The Creators of our reality, it does not matter what is going on, what is happening, if we are tired, if we are not motivated, we keep on going, every day and every second. Some day´s we may not be 100% but…
We are The Creators of our lives, we are The Creators of our reality. We are unlimited beings and nothing is impossible. Even the word impossible says I´m possible.
We, as human beings, tend to complicate things beyond imagination when life is in fact pure simplicity. We most often try to reinvent the wheel when we have the wheel right in front of us. We often create problems where there are no problems.
We all have our dreams and desires. Most of us want to change. We want to change ourselves, we want to change our lives, we want to change our surroundings, we want to change our society and we want to change the world.
We can be on the sidelines and watch things happen or we can become The Creators of our lives and create the events and reality we desire in our lives.
To escape the slavery of our normal, or abnormal structure of our society, we need to become The Creators of every aspect of our lives and let go of the social programming we have all endured.
Our dreams and our imagination are proof that we are more than we have been led to believe. We are more than human beings, more than just flesh and bones.
Empires have risen and empires have fallen. All that rises will fall, nothing lasts forever and nothing stays the same. Our society is where it is today. It has risen on the old ways, old traditions and an old mindset.
Every day is a clean slate, every day is a new beginning. We can be and are reborn every day if we so choose. We can make minor or major transformations in our lives every day we so desire.
At this routinely day of the year, which seems to occur periodically, many people make their New Years Resolutions but how many of us stick to it, see it through.
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