If we need, want and desire happiness, health and wealth, we need to start creating the foundation to it, work on it every single day,
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All Creation Requires Patience
Even though nothing last forever and nothing ever stays the same and the fact that all empires rise and all empires fall, all creation takes time and all creation requires patience.
Nothing comes for free and all good things have their origin in hard labor. True, lasting love relationships can only exist if both individuals are ready to work on keeping the flame alive and not let outside influences break down the love.
Long lasting businesses can only last if the founders, owners and the employees are ready to put in the work that is required to build up the foundation that will keep the growth growing.
If we need, want and desire happiness, health and wealth, we need to start creating the foundation to it, work on it every single day, learn from it, grow from it, adapt ourselves, our life and lifestyle to grow even further and continue our personal evolution, to continue growing as The Creators of our reality.
You Are The Creator
The Regeneration Cycle
All creation takes time, all change takes time. To get to know ourselves, takes a lifetime as we are always changing and transforming. Working on a new creation, project, mission is a lifetime goal as we can always continue improving whaterever we are doing or have done. As we ourselves are never perfect as we can always change, rearrange and transform ourselves, what we do is never perfect.
We should never be fully happy nor satisfied and then we stop, we stagnate and stop developing. We should always strive to improve ourselves and what we do.
That is why we need to be patient as nothing is every finished. We need to keep the perfection process going.
Today´s Action
Today I kept on writing the introductory book for The Creators Mindstyle. The goal is to write about 15.000 words and in a few days I have written 6.125 so I am getting closer to editing it, proof reading it, designing the covers and more. Creation is always fun and things are really happening.
Things are also growing and evolving with The Creators Garden. I am growing microgreens and sprouts now. All grown hydroponically in my home and as I say, a healthy home makes healthy foods and healthy foods create a healthy body and the beginning of it all is a healthy mind.
Today´s Coffee
The Cinnamon Coffee is my treat of the day, Bulletproof – Keta style.
One coffee a day, 0.5 Liter, keeps the ghosts away.
The Garlic Radish: This evening I decided to try mixing some of The Micro Radish, 1 rib Garlic and 0.5 L water and mixing it in a blender.
It is truly heavenly and healthy.
Today´s Meals
For lunch I had a boiled Egg, cut into pieces with Radish Microgreen, Herbamare and Olive Oil. Light, easy and very tasty.
This evening meal is leftovers from yesterday. Yesterday I had Mushrooms, Yellow Paprika, Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Red Onion. Spiced with Herbamare, Turmeric and added Coconum Oil.
This evening I am warming it up in the oven with some Vegan Cheese, shredded.
Life is good.
This Is The End, Beautiful Friends
We need to be patient as some days pass by much too fast and some days pass much too slow. Some days we are productive and some days we are not. Some days we are inspired, some days we are not.
We need to be patient, yet determinated as motivation is just an illusion, a phrase we use as if we either have it or not, we either get it or not, that it is some kind of magic carpet. Motivation as a phrase, as a concept is a lie as there is no question of if we are motivated or not. The only question is if we will do things or not, if we change things or not, if we create the reality we dream of or not. If we want it, we do the things that are needed to make it happen, no matter if we feel like it or not, if we are motivated or not, we just make it happen.
Days go by, weeks go by, months go by, years go by, decades go by, life goes by so fast. Are we going to wait for motivation before we become The Creators of our lives and create the reality we need, want and desire? Are we going to wait until life has passed by or will we become The Creators of our lives today, no matter what?
The choice is always ours so what will we choose to do Now, in the present moment.
Égzeus Belial
The Creator