Empires have risen and empires have fallen. All that rises will fall, nothing lasts forever and nothing stays the same.
Empires have risen and empires have fallen. All that rises will fall, nothing lasts forever and nothing stays the same. Our society is where it is today. It has risen on the old ways, old traditions and an old mindset. The world and our society has to adapt to a new way of being and doing things. The old system, the old structure is dying but it is holding on tightly in its death grasps and we need to say goodbye to it.
We are now at the precipice of a new dawn, a new era, a new reality. The death of the old structure may be hard as we do not know what will come but death always brings a new beginning, a rebirth, new structures of better ways.
Don´t be afraid of stepping bravely into the night
The Regeneration Cycle
We are The Creators of our lives and the time has come to rise up from the followers mentality and become the true leaders for ourselves and for the world in whole.
Our time has come to transform our reality by discovering our true being, our true identity and find our passion, our strength and our power.
Freedom is not free. To become a free individual, we need to fight for it every day. We need to claim our freedom by taking our responsibility for the circumstances in our lives.
If we want a change, we have to change. If we want to transform our reality, we have to transform.

The Revolution Of The Microgreens
This is the beginning of my personal growth with microgreens. I tried using kitchen tissue paper instead of growth pads, will be interesting if it will work.
Experimentation is what brings us closer to the future.
Stay tuned to the continuous process of these Arugula seeds.
Check out the evolution of this Microgreen here
Today´s Meal
Today I decided to make it easy peacefully, Banana squeeze.
Tasty, fresh and nice
Check out the El Cuatro Salad

Another day has come to an end
Adios, amigos
Égzeus Belial
The Creator