Our dreams are not
just a fantasy,
our dreams are
the core of
our being.
Our dreams are not just a fantasy, our dreams are the core of our being. Our dreams, not matter if our dreams are in our regeneration cycle or if the are in our conscious waking state, our hopes, our passion, our desires, are our connection to our memories and connection to our true self as energy beings, our blueprint to our creation.
Our dreams are our message, from us as beings of light, to ourselves, a reminder of why we choose to take a vacation here, in this dimension, in this realm, on planet Earth.
Listen closely and be ready to change, rearrange and transform your life in any way you need, want and desire.
The Regeneration Cycle
Our dreams and our imagination are proof that we are more than we have been led to believe. We are more than human beings, more than just flesh and bones. We know more than we think as we are connected to everything and everyone. We can access everybody thoughts, memories and energy. We can access all the information there is in the world, past, present and future information, from this dimension or another
Third day of Arugula – Growth One
We have come to day 3 of Arugula – Growth One of The Creators Microgreens revolution. Self reliance is the way of the future, the key to our happiness, health and wealth.
The Time Has Come to Hibernate
Nothing lasts forever and nothing stays the same. After summer comes winter and after every day comes a night. After being awake, we need to sleep, we need to regenerate to charge our bodies energy reserve. I may need more than most and that may be because of physical abnormalities or it may be because I, as an energy being, a being of light, have never been able to fully adapt to my presence in this human body, in this human reality and realm. No matter the reason for this reality of mine, I bid you all a friendly goodbye and may you enjoy every part of your life,
Best regards
Égzeus Belial
The Creator